January 1, 2023

Facing personnel deficiency with AI-based solution

The Corona crisis caused a staffing shortage in catering. Digital solutions now automate processes, maintaining operations and boosting sales.
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Increase sales and reduce staff shortages in the catering industry with digital solutions

Since the Corona crisis, there has been a real shortage of staff in catering establishments. Due to numerous lockdowns, chefs and service staff have been reorienting themselves professionally. As a rule, the recruitment process for new qualified personnel is often very time-consuming.In order to maintain operations and increase sales, digital solutions that automate processes are helpful. Artificial intelligence and software that speeds up kitchen tasks and payment processes can help with acute and permanent staff shortages.VisioLab offers software that uses artificial intelligence to recognize food and drinks and immediately initiates the payment process. Contactless payment can then be made.

We have summarized 7 software tips & ideas that automate and simplify recurring processes in the catering industry:

Smart recognition software

Typing in each individual dish by hand is not only tedious for employees, but also very time-consuming. Modern systems recognize food and beverages by camera and automatically initiate the payment process.VisioLab has solved this quite simply with software for the iPad. The innovative POS system is equipped with an efficient AI, DSGVO-compliant and very flexible to use. If, for example, the menu is updated, new dishes can be imported in just a few minutes. Queuing and waiting times are shortened, customer satisfaction is increased and the entire payment process is significantly accelerated. Especially at peak times, the smart checkout is an irreplaceable tool for serving customers faster. Cafeterias and company canteens benefit from autonomous checkout systems that significantly reduce the workload of employees.

Online reservation

The digital reservation system from resmio saves your employees a lot of time. Customers can make reservations directly online. The table reservation is thus fully automated. There is no need for telephone contact or additional e-mail correspondence. The time saved can be used for other tasks and the employees can focus completely on the guests.Individualized softwareA software that is adapted to specific needs of the restaurant has higher acquisition costs than standardized programs. However, the investment pays off in the long run, especially for larger operations. If the newsletter is sent automatically, payment can be made via app, and cancellation fees are collected automatically, this saves employees a lot of time and significantly reduces bureaucracy.

Collecting reviews

Online reviews were a major factor in the decision for or against a restaurant visit even before the Corona crisis. An efficient software solution for more positive online reviews gives customers the opportunity to rate the restaurant internally. This ensures great feedback and stronger customer loyalty.Often, there is not enough time to react and respond to numerous reviews. This is where digital solutions like re:spondelligent come to the rescue. The review management team responds to all Google reviews. Experience data is used to optimize the responses for search engines like Google. This ensures increased visibility on Google and more reach.

Kitchen robots

Kitchen robots not only work efficiently, the automated helpers are a valuable support in times of staff shortages. The acquisition costs pay for themselves after about six months. Smart kitchens from aitme.com perform repetitive tasks automatically. The state-of-the-art robot automatically turns the vegetables after a set time and cools the stove in time. The perfectly sautéed vegetables are guaranteed!

Improve service

Use feedback from your guests to constantly improve service. For example, if your customers are very satisfied with the quality of the food but less so with the waiting time, digital catering tools can be the solution. Speed up processes that can be done by machine by using the right equipment and software. Your employees will have much less stress at work and feel more comfortable. This is also noticed by the customer, who is served more quickly and is very likely to come back again soon. A nice side effect: higher employee satisfaction ensures less staff turnover.

Digital menus

The introduction of digital menus offers more than just the advantage of eliminating the need to print and sanitize cards. The menu plan can be accessed and viewed through digital progress via app or QR code. With qnips, guests can also pre-order their meal from the office or on the go and pay directly from the app via PayPal or credit card. The status of the order is sent from the kitchen to the guests' app in real time. They are notified when the orders are ready for pickup and can pick up their food at the counter.

As you can see, the wave of digitization during the Corona pandemic did not stop at food service companies. It's important to stay on top of the latest technological developments. Use them for your needs and simplify and automate everyday business processes.
The smart POS system from VisioLab ensures a stress-free everyday life for you and your employees and reduces your costs through the accelerated payment process.
