July 26, 2024

QR-Code Payment for a seamless experience

Explore the qnips X VisioLab integration, offering a seamless, cashless canteen experience with AI-driven food recognition and contactless payment.
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The Solution to Personnel Shortages and Queue Management: Service Optimization in Gastronomy - qnips x VisioLab

Do you know this situation? A last-minute sick call, and suddenly not all cashier positions can be filled. The familiar cashier has retired, and finding a replacement is difficult. The personnel shortage in the gastronomy industry is a challenge that your managers have to face daily. At the same time, you want to offer your guests the best service and ensure that the food doesn’t get cold while they stand in line. But how can you deploy your existing staff in a way that creates added value for the guest and fills the gaps at the cash registers? How can queues be avoided, especially during lunchtime?

Automated Payment with Digital Credits at the Self-Checkout

With the innovative solution from qnips and VisioLab, the payment process can be significantly shortened, giving your guests more time to enjoy their break and keep their food warm. Your staff is relieved and can focus on guest-oriented tasks. And your guests? They enjoy a relaxed dining experience without stress. Doesn’t that sound fantastic? But how does it work? Join us and our Catering Manager George Thompson as we discover the impressive features of the qnips x VisioLab integration.

The VisioLab Food Recognition

The AI self-checkout from VisioLab eliminates queues. Whether in corporate catering, cafes, canteens, or stadiums, the guest simply places food and drinks under the VisioLab iPad, and the AI recognizes everything in a fraction of a second. Payment can be made immediately. No long waiting times, just more time to enjoy. The staff is relieved, customer satisfaction and sales are increased. Whether packaged or unpackaged items, freshly prepared food or drinks – everything is visually captured. No barcode scanning is required, which further speeds up the process. Guests can pay directly and conveniently.

Cashless Payment with the qnips App

A key advantage of the qnips x VisioLab integration is the ease of payment. After guests have placed their tray under the iPad camera, they can pay cashlessly via the qnips app. Simply open the app, press "Pay," and hold the QR code under the iPad camera – then the meal can be enjoyed. With qnips, you can conveniently load your credit via your preferred payment provider in the app and pay in the canteen. Additionally, the qnips app offers you insights into your transactions and cart at any time. This way, your guests always have an overview of their expenses and enjoy a secure payment method.

How Does the qnips x VisioLab Integration Work?

The systems of qnips and VisioLab are connected via a checkout API, and each product is assigned a unique PLU (Price Look-Up). By importing the current menu, all offered products are stored with names and prices, allowing both systems to access them. In the qnips dashboard, products and assortments can be maintained, and daily and weekly menus can be designed and promoted. These settings are transmitted to the VisioLab self-checkout. For the self-checkout to recognize the dishes, it must be trained once with a photo. This only takes a few minutes and can be easily implemented even with short-term changes.

At checkout, the VisioLab self-checkout calculates the total price based on the PLUs and deducts it from the credit in the qnips app.


The qnips x VisioLab interface enhances the customer experience. From the quick recognition of food and drinks to convenient cashless payment, this technology offers numerous benefits for gastronomy operators and guests. Learn more about this solution and how it can optimize canteen management. For more information and a detailed insight into the qnips x VisioLab integration, watch our video on YouTube.
